

To sell miniature poodle

The sweet puppy Leo is a purebred Toy poodle with a fabulously curly, beige fur. With his kind eyes and his playful character he brings a lot of vivacity and good mood in everyday life.

Leo has a very social and active Temperament. He is curious, inquisitive, and loves to spend time with people and other animals. Thanks to the loving socialization by the breeder Leo is already accustomed to dealing with children, Strangers and other dogs.

In his spare time rages on and plays Leo for his life. At the same time he will cuddle but also enjoys the proximity of its related persons to the fullest. With his cheerful nature and his playful essence of Leo, it is guaranteed to conquer every heart by storm.

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How can I Find A toy poodle for sale?

To sell on the search for an adorable toy poodle? Then Leo is just Right for you! Our puppy Leo is a purebred Toy Poodle with a beautiful, curly, beige fur. With his friendly gaze, and his playful nature, he will conquer right away in your heart.

Where Can I Buy A Toy Poodle?

Leo comes from a prestigious dog breeding in which the welfare of the animals at the top. The experienced breeder offers a comprehensive service to help you with advice and act to the side, so you're well prepared for the arrival of your new four-legged friend. So grab your dream dog directly from a dealer, and you can have the best quality.

For Sale: Toy Poodle Puppies

Our puppy Leo is waiting full of anticipation, to move into his new home. With 12 weeks he is already housebroken and has received all the important vaccinations. To do this, he has a micro chip, an EU pet passport and a contract of sale. In his daily life, Leo is very active and playful, but also very affectionate and loves to spend time with his family. Fail not, therefore, a Chance to get this adorable little fur ball home.

To sell the toy poodle – More puppies to view

Zwergpudel zu verkaufen



9 weeks

Weight of the father

2.8 kilos

Weight of the mother

Of 2.9 pounds


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